Your Logo Is Not Your Brand: Three Lessons in Smart Branding.

In today’s dynamic marketplace, branding isn’t just about creating a flashy logo or a catchy tagline. It’s about crafting a narrative that resonates with your audience, builds trust, and drives loyalty. Smart branding goes beyond surface-level aesthetics. It delves deep into a company’s core values and actions. Let’s explore some attainable strategies for taking your…

Debunking Myths About Branding

There are numerous misconceptions about branding that often cloud the understanding of what it truly entails, as well as its importance for a company’s success, sustainability, and ability to resonate. Branding is more than just a logo or a catchy tagline−it’s a comprehensive strategy that shapes a company’s identity, perception, and connection with its audience….

10 Unexpected Questions We Ask New Clients

As branding professionals—and to do our job to the best of our abilities—we must get to know our clients inside and out. To do this—and much like speed dating—things get personal and fast. Over the years, we have culled our Spanish Inquisition down to the most essential and insightful questions that give us what we…

Increasing the ‘Meaning Quotient’ of Work

Through a few simple techniques, executives can boost workplace “MQ” and inspire employees to perform at their peak. By: Susie Cranston & Scott Keller Musicians talk about being “in the groove,” sportsmen about being “in the zone.” Can employees in the workplace experience similar performance peaks and, if so, what can top management do to encourage…

The Kings Of Hospitality (and what we can learn from them)

I want to give you something to think about. If you had to think of one industry that had to be at the top of their game in customer service, quality, engagement, experience and environment every single day, what would it be? Restaurants? Maybe. Hotels? Getting closer. Private Clubs? Bingo. There are many (if not…

Millennial Mindset

Suddenly the playing field has been leveled and so many heads are swirling trying to figure out what just happened. The game has completely changed and I am pumped. Finally, I see an opportunity to breathe life back into work, something I in some ways, avoided doing for like 8 years. Technically I am a…

5 Levels of a Company’s Existence

If you are a business, you more than likely fall into one of the following categories or at least somewhere in between. How do you stack up?   1 – Shallow Floaters You have your service or product, and you simply exist. You depend solely on your product or service to drive sales and growth….